Best Sounding Guitars

... špičkové kytary nesoucí známku precizní ruční práce

Reference - kytary BSG

Přestože společnost BSG Musical Instruments s.r.o. není příliš velká, můžete naše kytary najít u prestižních prodejců, profesionálních muzikantů i amatérských hráčů po celém světě. Pokud Vás zajímá co o nás řekli, napsali nebo chcete vidět naše kytary v akci, nahlédněte prosím zde...

Tommy Emmanuel - Australia

  I played 2 BSG guitars in Poland recently and must compliment them on their great work, both guitars were extremely well made, beautifully finished, and sounded big, rich and sweet, with a lot of volume for a small bodied guitar... I enjoyed playing both guitars, and wish BSG a lot of success in the business.

Tommy Emmanuel CGP.  

Paul O´Brien – Victoria, Canada

  I remember the first time clearly, of seeing and hearing a BSG guitar. It was played by German guitarist and composer Uli Kringler, at Stockfisch studios in Northeim. I wanted one, it was that simple. I loved the feel and of course the sound.I hadn’t bought a new guitar for years, and it kinda came like a bolt from the blue, that I was gong to get a BSG. I now have 5! My first BSG which is still my favourite and one I  have toured Europe with for years is a J27 Cedar sings, and has been the companion I have shared stages and trains with and hotels and friends houses. I have written so many songs on that guitar I couldn’t even tell you how many. The guitar actually shaped who I was as a player. Because the sustain was so long I could play open strings and they would still be ringing when I played the next chord. This has been the way I play ever since my first BSG. My guitar works hard at my shows and helps me build the atmosphere for my songs to be able to try and connect with an audience, I can ask for no more than that.


Helt Oncale – from New Orleans, Lousiana USA

  I met Jan Stovicek, guitar builder and founder of BSG Guitars, at the Frankfurt Music Trade Show in 2013. I am amazed how well BSG Guitars are built. Each BSG guitar is meticulously made with the best woods and excellent craftsmanship with immediate perfect playability. What I found very convincing was the sound. Full, rich, warm and at times already vintage when still new. I’m a proud BSG Guitar player.

Helt Oncale

German American Country Music Federation voted 4 times “Musician of the Year”.  

Peter Finger – from Osnabrück, Germany

  It is great to have a company in Europe that produces such wonderful handmade guitars with love, patience and great craftsmanship - this all at a very reasonable price. I’m a fan of BSG guitars.

Peter Finger  



Michal Malátný - Chinaski Lenka Filipová Justin Lavash Xindl X Vicki Genfan Radim Hladík Xindl X Uli Kringler Xindl X Lenka Filipová Michal Malátný - Chinaski Honza Křížek Uli Kringler Honza Křížek Vicki Genfan Xindl X Radek Pastrňák Justin Lavash Vicki Genfan Radek Pastrňák Vicki Genfan Uli Kringler & Paul O´Brien Kryštof Tomeček Xindl X
Radim Hladík Uli Kringler Tommy Emmanuel Roman Procházka - Divokej Bill Uli Kringler & Paul O´Brien Lenka Filipová Roman Procházka - Divokej Bill Justin Lavash Radim Hladík Robb Somerville USA Roman Procházka - Divokej Bill Kryštof Tomeček Radim Hladík Robb Somerville USA Radim Hladík Michal Malátný - Chinaski Lenka Filipová Xindl X Lenka Filipová Roman Procházka - Divokej Bill Radim Hladík Lenka Filipová Vicki Genfan
Nick Anthony Duero Radim Hladík Lenka Filipová Pavel Bohatý Tommy Emmanuel Pavel Bohatý Helt Oncale - USA Honza Ponocný Cirkus Ponorka Lenka Dusilová Tommy Emmanuel Justin Lavash Lenka Dusilová Tommy Emmanuel Honza Křížek Lenka Filipová Vicki Genfan Pavel Bohatý Vicki Genfan Petr Henych Xindl X Pavol Hammel Radek Pastrňák Vicki Genfan Honza Křížek Justin Lavash Michal Malátný - Chinaski Radek Pastrňák


  Guitar & Bass - nejlepší nástroje roku 2005

Každý rok vyhlašuje Anglický časopis " Guitar & Bass " nejlepší nástroj roku. V roce 2005 byly testovány v tomto magazínu také naše dvě kytary: J15F Cherry a A27Fpro Rosewood. Jsme velice potěšeni, že jeden z našich nástrojù se umístil na druhém místě a získal tak stříbrnou medaili.

  Recenze z časopisu "Guitar & Bass"

Více podrobností v příloze.

  Recenze - Music Store 2005

Více podrobností v příloze.

  Recenze - MUZIKUS 2001

Více podrobností v příloze.

  Recenze - Music Store 2001

Více podrobností v příloze.

Kontaktní informace


BSG Musical Instruments s.r.o.
Jiráskovo náměstí 272
564 01 Žamberk, Česká Republika
GPS: 50.0885294N, 16.4675547E
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tel./fax: +420 465 613 560